Monday 5 December 2011

Concerned about Osteoporosis? Natural Solutions for Bone Health

Did you know that osteoporosis affects 35% to 50% of women in the first five years of menopause? Did you also know that osteoporosis also affects men?

Currently, at least 35 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis! Yowza, that's a lot of people who need to watch how they treat their bones, since osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become weaker and less dense, making them more likely to break.

Natural Solutions for Bone Support
One of the best natural solutions for bone support comes from the Orient: red yeast rice. There are many strains of red yeast rice, but some forms have proven more effective for increasing bone density and mineral absorption than others. For instance, the strain used in OsteoSun is the most "bone active" form available. OsteoSun enhances the body's natural ability to restore bone mass and is scientifically proven to build new bone.*

So adding OsteoSun to your daily regimen can help support bone health. What else can you do to support your bones? Here are some other simple natural steps:

-    eat foods high in EFAs (essential fatty acids)
-    decrease consumption of red meat and dairy
-    add sea greens and AFA algae to your diet
-    eat foods high in calcium, potassium, and magnesium

You don't have to become a statistic when it comes to osteoporosis. As with most chronic conditions, osteoporosis is easier to prevent than to treat ... so start supporting your bones now! You will appreciate it later!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

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