Tuesday 27 March 2012

5 Natural Solutions for Varicose Veins

Are varicose veins or spider veins ruining your ability to wear short shorts? Or are they actually affecting your health by causing you to feel tired, especially in your legs, ankles, and feet?

Varicose veins, those bulging veins in your legs, are the result of weakness in walls of your veins and leaks in the valves that connect your veins. Health-wise, varicose veins are a sign that your vascular system isn't working as well as it should be. Luckily, there are 5 easy natural solutions that can support your body's vascular system.

1. Take natural antioxidants like wheat sprouts, coenzyme Q10, or rutin to reduce swelling and inflammation.
2. Increase your intake of essential fatty acids found in nuts, fish, and blue-green algae.
3. Add the herbs Butcher's Broom, nattokinase, and hawthorne to your daily regimen to increase circulation and strengthen venous walls.
4. Up your fiber and water intake while decreasing your consumption of meat, dairy, and fatty or refined foods.
5. Lose weight if you are overweight, and avoid standing for long periods of time.

These natural solutions are especially important to follow if you are a woman, as women are four times more likely to be affected by varicose veins than men. If your varicose veins are extremely bothersome, consider applying a witch hazel or apple cider vinegar compress twice daily.

Finally, get out and move your body! Life is all about movement, and conditions like varicose veins are simply messages from your body telling you that you are not moving nearly enough!

Photo Credit: Dreamstime.com - http://www.dreamstime.com/varicose-veins-image17297707

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