Wednesday 18 April 2012

Vegan Nutrition: Getting Enough B12?

A lot of people know that Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is important to
health, but they may not know HOW important this vitamin is. Did
you know that Vitamin B12 is critical for:

  - energy production (red blood cell production)
  - a healthy nervous system
  - a strong digestive system
  - vibrant hair skin and nails
  - antioxidant protection

So B12 is definitely important to a healthy diet. Unfortunately
B12 is also one of the vitamins that is very difficult to get
from plants. That's bad news for vegans. If your diet consists
exclusively of food plants, chances are that you are not getting
enough B12.

Vegans and B12
If you are a vegan and want to ensure you get enough B12 in your
diet, you may think that simply taking a B12 supplement is enough
to cover the bases. It's not. It turns out that your body can
only absorb B12 in the biologically active form of cobalamins. So
taking any random store-bought B12 pill may not help you much.
Vegan nutrition is much more specific.

The good news is that there are natural sources of vegan food
plants that have high levels of biologically active B12 easily
absorbed by the body. One of these sources is blue-green algae,
specifically AFA (aphanizomenon flos aquae) blue-green algae from
Klamath Lake. Compared to spirulina and chlorella, this AFA algae
has a higher content of biologically active B12.

Whether or not you are a vegan, getting enough B12 is crucial to
health. Luckily, AFA blue green algae from Simplexity Health
offers a well-balanced, plant-based superfood that provides a
dense source of easily absorbed B12. Health in a pill--you can't
ask for anything simpler than that!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or subscribing to the feed to have future articles delivered to your feed reader. Also, check out the free health resources or order blue-green algae products at wholesale prices on our website.

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