Tuesday 8 May 2012

Anxious or Nervous? Maybe Your Brain Cells are Starving

Did you know that if your brain cells don't get adequate nutrients then they can begin to starve? And when your brain cells starve, it can affect your mood, causing you to feel tired, anxious, nervous, or depressed. When your brain cells are not functioning, the rest of your body is bound to be affected.

Part of the reason that brain cells have a tendency to "starve" is because they need special micro-nutrients that can pass through the blood brain barrier (BBB).

For those of you who want to know something about the BBB (and are fans of Wikipedia), check out this definition:

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a separation of circulating blood and cerebral-spinal fluid (CSF) maintained by the choroid plexus in the central nervous system (CNS). Endothelial cells restrict the diffusion of microscopic objects (e.g. bacteria) and large or hydrophillic molecules into the CSF, while allowing the diffusion of small hydrophobic molecules (O2, hormones, CO2). Cells of the barrier actively transport metabolic products such as glucose across the barrier with specific proteins.

In other words, nutrients have to be both small enough and paired with the right proteins to cross the BBB. These kinds of nutrients are mostly found in whole natural foods.

Sound too complicated? No problem. The Omega Sun of the blue-green algae is a specially stripped-down version of the algae cell, and can pass through the BBB. This is why Omega Sun is touted to help with mental clarity, memory retention, and mental energy. It's got "the right stuff" to pass through the BBB's protective wall.

So if you're feeling anxious, nervous, tired, grumpy, out-of-sorts ... then you might want to consider whether your brain cells are starving. Maybe you have been feeding the rest of your body just fine, but neglecting your brain cells. If so, you may want to try the Omega Sun algae, and then think about this whole article from the beginning!

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