Wednesday 4 July 2012

Allergic Reactions to Food

Allergic reactions to food ... got 'em? Then you are among the 60% of the population affected by food allergies. It is one of the most prevalent and also undiagnosed illnesses in the population (according to the American College of Allergists). The 8 foods that most commonly cause allergic reactions to food, according to the Mayo Clinic, are:

  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Peanuts
  • Tree nuts (such as almonds, cashews, walnuts)
  • Fish (such as bass, cod, flounder)
  • Shellfish (such as crab, lobster, shrimp)
  • Soy
  • Wheat
Many people know if they have a milk allergy or an egg allergy, but did you know that there are also wine allergies and many other types as well? That's the bad news.

Allergic Reactions to Food: Good News
Now for the good news. There are natural solutions for people who have these allergic reactions to food--the use of nutritional supplements, for instance. Studies show that taking a substance such as blue-green algae can support your body's immune system and tolerance. Your immune system is usually responsible for allergic reactions to food. By boosting your immune system, you can reduce allergic reactions to food ... and even to pollen.

Two studies show that "the inclusion of blue-green algae in the diet contributes to a reduction of anaphylactic and immune-type allergic reactions in animals" ("Edible Microalgae, Heffrey J. Bruno, Ph.D.). Turns out inclusion of blue-green algae in the diet works for the human animal as well!

Other supplements that help can include enzymes, probiotics, Betaine HCL (for those with low stomach acid) and a number of fermented foods.

Why Nutrition Helps
It may seem odd that improving our diet with nutrition can help with allergic reactions to food, and yet it makes sense. That is because many food allergies are caused by poor digestion linked to the immune system. Poor digestion, also known as "leaky gut syndrome," allows undigested proteins to enter the blood stream. This triggers the immune system into an allergic reaction.

Luckily, the addition of nutritional supplements like AFA blue-green algae can support your body in a proper immune response. Studies show that "AFA blue-green algae contains carotenes and chlorophyll, both of which are able to dramatically stimulate specialized cells around the intestinal walls to secrete lubricating material and this help to prevent this type of allergic reaction" (Bruno).

In other words, AFA blue-green algae soothes the digestive system. An improved digestive system prevents that extreme immune response, and those allergic reactions to food.

Allergic Reactions to Food: Bottom Line
The bottom line of all of this scientific data is simple as can be:

1.    Got allergic reactions to food?
2.    Add AFA blue-green algae to your diet
3.    Feel better!

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