Tuesday 11 September 2012

Natural Solutions for Detoxification

There are many different types of natural solutions coming out these days for a wide variety of health issues and maintaining good health. There is more information available about good nutrition, good exercising, good breathing, good stress relief and living a healthier life than ever before. I sometimes wonder though, if I am fighting a losing battle. Is our environment undoing all the "good" things and natural solutions I take the time, trouble and expense to do?  Here's a statement that should cause a reaction:

"Since 1950, at least 70,000 new chemical compounds have been invented and dispersed into our environment through new consumer commodities, industrial products, and food. We are by default conducting a massive clinical toxicological trial. And our children and their children are the experimental animals."
                     -H. Needleman and P. Landrigan, Raising Children Toxic Free, 1994

My first reaction to reading this statement was, "Wow!", and my second was "What can I do about this?." Is there a way we can counteract being exposed to all these toxic substances? The good news is, yes there is a way.

How Detoxification Works
Detoxification of harmful substances from the body is an on-going process. It's not something you can do once then stop. There are plenty of detox and body cleansing information available and you can even find kits in health food stores. But just doing a cleansing once a year is really not enough. With all the toxins around us the body must have a form of on-going support for combating these substances.

The kidneys and the liver are the 2 major organs in our bodies that deal with detoxification. "Additionally, healthy intestinal bacteria and a healthy mucosal lining are essential to reduce the absorption of toxins in to the blood through the intestines." ("Edible Microalgae", Jeffrey J. Bruno, Ph.D., 2001) The liver detoxifies blood returning from the stomach, intestines, spleen, and pancreas. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. If your body is not detoxing well, it can be more susceptible to disease, cause you to feel tired, have weight gain, skin problems and a variety of other health related problems.

Natural Solutions for Detoxification: Algae
Microalgae can support, directly and indirectly, the primary detoxification pathways to better eliminate toxins. ("Edible Microalgae", Jeffrey J. Bruno, Ph.D., 2001) Blue green algae has many benefits towards protecting the liver such as amino acids and antioxidants. A healthy liver of course is going to be better able to do its part in the detoxification process. Dr. Bruno sites one study in his research in which it was found that chlorophyll (which microalgae has in abundance) can help stimulate liver function, increase bile secretion, protect cellular functions and promote regeneration of damaged liver cells. ("Edible Microalgae", Jeffrey J. Bruno, Ph.D., 2001) Findings from the National Institute of Oceanography in Haifa, Israel report that algae eaters show an increased absorption of essential fatty acids thus supporting healthier liver function. Blue green algae has also been found to be a rich source of detoxifying polypetides that are essential to the body's detoxification process. Studies have specifically been done showing that microalage can aid in the detoxification of harmful chemicals such as chlordecone, dioxin, PCBs, aluminum and lead.

Give your body a break from working so hard with a little help on the detoxification process by adding blue green algae to your diet. Simplexity Health can make natural solutions for detoxification easy with it superior blue green algae supplements.

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