Tuesday 9 October 2012

Got Chronic Pain? Natural Solutions to Support Your Body

Are you living with chronic pain or know someone who is? Did you know 100 million people in the United States suffer from chronic pain? That's $635 billion spent in treatments and loss of workers' time. That's a lot! There is some good news though for chronic pain sufferers.

New Evidence About Chronic Pain
There is new evidence that chronic pain may not just be the result of an underlying condition. New studies are showing that chronic pain can be its own condition. After living with pain for so long, the brain can actually store the memory of it, so that even after the original disorder causing the pain is gone, the pain remains. There is some evidence that suggests chronic pain can even be genetic.

Treating Chronic Pain
Traditionally, chronic pain has been treated with medications that target inflammation or block pain. There are studies now showing that chronic pain can respond well to untraditional types of treatment including acupuncture, massage, hypnosis and that even positive thinking can make a difference.

How Simplexity Products Can Support Your Body
Simplexity Health has several products that can provide natural solutions to help support your body for optimal health and give immune system support.

Stemplex �
StemPlex is a unique blend of natural ingredients including green tea extract, wild blueberry, the antioxidant amino acid carnosine, blueberry extract, and vitamin D, all of which support your body's own renewal systems. Many of the ingredients in StemPlex are antioxidants. As oxidation of iron causes rust, our bodies heal less effectively if cells are damaged by free radicals. Antioxidants are very important in promoting a healthy immune system which can aid in prevention of disease leading to chronic pain symptoms.

Super Sprouts and Algae �
Super Sprouts and Algae contain a super concentration of custom-grown wheat sprouts, Super Blue Green Alpha Sun and Red beta algae. These three ingredients combined supply the body with antioxidant nutrition that may help combat the destructive effects of highly unstable, reactive molecules known as free radicals. Free radicals are a by-product of normal metabolism, and the human body is designed to handle a limited amount of them. When the body is subjected to various forms of stress, including emotional pressures, overexertion, environmental pollutants, and the aging process, the production of free radicals can quickly overextend those limits leaving the body vulnerable to attack and disease that can lead to chronic pain.

Immusun �
Immusun fortifies your immune system so it can better fight to keep you healthy. It is an all-natural supplement, containing the active ingredient WGPtm beta glucan, a patented form of the complex carbohydrate beta glucan, which is found in the cell walls of baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and has long been known to have immune boosting properties. A stronger immune system means less disease and the chronic pain that can result.

Super Blue Green� Alpha Sun �
Super Blue Green� Alpha Sun is designed to promote physical health and immune system function. A healthy immune system leads to the body being able to fight off disease, some of which can lead to chronic pain.

Super Q10 -
Super Q10 contains a special enzyme activator called coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 is essential for life to exist, as it is an integral part of energy production within every cell. Studies have shown that if the essential levels of CoQ10 are allowed to decline, and the body's vital organs and systems cannot meet their energy requirements, serious health concerns may arise. The combination of premium antioxidants, 30mg of coenzyme Q10 and 85mg of Super Blue Green� Algae in Super Q10 can aid in keeping a healthy immune system and give the body the essential levels of CoQ10 it needs to stay fit.

If you suffer with chronic pain, it's good to know there are natural solutions that can help. Check with your health care provider and see if he or she is aware of the newest information and if any of these natural solutions can help with your pain. If your provider is not aware, be pro-active in finding one who is. You owe it to yourself to see if there is a natural solution to relieve your chronic pain.

Photo Credit: http://pinterest.com/ginajo5019/

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