Tuesday 30 October 2012

How to Get Health Insurance for $40 a Month . . . When you Can't Afford, Don't Have, or Can't Get Health Insurance!

by guest author Leta Worthington

"You have nothing if not your health."

I don't know who first said that, but you know just how true that is if you've ever had a chronic disease or ongoing pain. Quality of life is everything . . . and unfortunately having health insurance doesn't ensure it. Only good health does.

If you could get health insurance for $40/mo., would you get it?

Of course you would. Even if it were a stretch, just cutting out a few cups of joe from your favorite gourmet coffee shop every month would cover this amount.

If you can't get or can't afford health insurance, you can ensure your good health by:
  • eating healthy food,
  • getting plenty of rest, and, of course,
  • never having any stress.
That's the supposed formula. And maybe it used to work. But in present day circumstances, especially with the toxins in the environment and food we eat, this formula doesn't really work any more.

What can you add to this picture that will ensure the best health possible and will improve your quality of life?
Super Blue-Green Algae. For $40 bucks a month. In a convenient one-month's supply of one-a-day Simplexity "Essentials" packets.

Why Super Blue-Green Algae and not just a multi-vitamin? Because Super Blue-Green Algae is one of the few whole foods you can get these days that is wild-crafted, just as Nature created it, and is a complete organic nutrient in a highly digestible form.

The human body does a completely different thing with food in its natural state than with something man-made, even if from organic ingredients. It does not utilize a Vitamin C capsule like it does an orange. Period. So a vitamin pill is not going to change your health or your life. Super Blue-Green Algae can. Really!

You can read all about Super Blue-Green Algae Essentials HERE,  but the fastest way to get your $40/month health insurance is by going HERE and ordering a one-month supply, in convenient daily packets, of Super Blue-Green Algae, and seeing for yourself how this miraculous, natural food enhances your quality of life. Most people report a noticeable, positive increase in energy and well-being within the first thirty days, many much sooner.

There is a 90-day money-back guarantee on all Super Blue-Green products, so you have nothing to lose. $40 a month, really, can do far more for your health and for your quality of life than having an insurance policy.

Take the 90-day challenge and ensure your health! You're worth it!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or subscribing to the feed to have future articles delivered to your feed reader. Also, check out the free health resources or order blue-green algae products at wholesale prices on our website.

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