Tuesday 6 November 2012

Three Reasons Getting Healthy is Like Gardening

Getting healthy is like gardening. You have to learn how to prepare the soil, take the time to nurture and protect yourself.

Do you love to plant your garden each spring but get frustrated when the harvest does not live up to expectations? Putting in all those new plants in freshly worked soil is so rewarding. The spring weather is cool and rain usually comes regularly and the plants grow beautifully. But then summer comes and suddenly the garden needs watering, weeding and pest control. Harvests decrease and plants start suffering if they don't get regular care.

My gardening pattern has always looked like the above scenario but I am determined this year is going to be different. I have made the commitment to learn how to garden as I have learned how to keep myself healthy. There are three reasons I have been successful at getting healthy and I am sure if I apply the same principles to gardening I can have a wonderful harvest.

Three reasons for success in getting healthy:

Learning all you can about staying healthy and applying that knowledge
Taking the time to nurture your health and get all the nutrition you need
Doing what is needed to combat external influences and attacks on your health

My gardening success plan:

Learn all I can about the soil and needs of individual plants
Take the time needed to weed and water my garden
Protect my plants from severe weather and pest attacks

There is so much information on health and gardening. Much of my knowledge about natural health and how to get healthy has come from the health care professionals I know through the network marketing companies I work with. I have found great value from having these professionals explain how specific nutritional products work to help support and heal the body. My health has improved so much and I can deal in a natural way with almost all routine illnesses and injuries.

I found a similar source of gardening information at my local Geo Growers. The staff at Geo Growers is able to guide me as to what types of soil are best for different plants or gardening styles. I have a few good natural gardening books but it is nice to be able to have an experienced person to ask why apple cider vinegar should be used instead of seaweed or what type soil strawberries like. Slowly but surely, I am learning.

Taking the time
Finding the time to take care of myself is always a challenge but applying preventive nutrition has been time well spent. In addition to my regular support of my digestion with Simplexity probiotics and enzymes, I also take Simplexity Omega Sun algae to support my nervous system.

Farming and working with horses keeps me out in the elements and barn chores sometimes stress my body to the max. I can always reach for extra Simplexity Immusun if I feel a cold coming on or drink a little extra Xango juice when I am stiff and sore. Extra Simplexity Super Q10 will fix me up if my gums need extra attention or Sprouts and Algae if I get too much sun.

I am looking forward to having this same kind of ability to support my garden during hard times. I am starting with healthy soil. I have already taken steps to keep the chickens away from my plants and will use sun and wind screens if needed. Hopefully we won't have a drought this year but even if we do I plan to have a wonderful harvest.

Photo Credit: http://pinterest.com/jroessler/

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