Tuesday 15 January 2013

How to Have Healthy Skin After the Holidays - 5 Easy Tips

Did you know that the holidays can significantly detract from the health of your skin? We're not kidding! Here are just some of the reasons that the holidays can wreak havoc on your skin:
    - lack of regular sleep
    - poor diet (come on, admit that you splurged!)
    - stress (all those jangling nerve endings connect right to your skin)
    - no time to wash and moisturize regularly
    - drinking (we're not talking about water here!)
    Amazingly enough, even though the holidays are supposed to be happy, jolly, merry, and joyous, your skin cells may disagree with you. And if you look in the mirror after a long month of holiday celebrating, you may even agree with your skin cells. That's really no surprise. Get this:

    80% of skin aging is the result of lifestyle choices such as diet, exposure to environmental pollutants, lack of vitamins and minerals, lack of protection from the sun, and even stress!

    But no worries! We have 5 simple "face saving" tips to the rescue. These natural solutions will not only show you how to get healthy skin again, but will also help you maintain that youthful glow ... at any age!

    How to Have Healthy Skin: Tip #1 - BEAUTY SLEEP
    Most of us joke about needing our "beauty sleep" ... and most of us don't get nearly enough of it! If you want to know how to get healthy skin again after the holidays, just go back to bed ... literally! To have healthy skin, the average person needs between 6 and 8 hours of uninterrupted quality sleep every night, which moves you through all five phases of the sleep cycle. During the day (and the holidays), your skin is exposed to all kinds of pollutants, with smoke and the sun being the worst! That's why your body needs a full 6 to 8 hours of quality "beauty sleep" to repair damaged skin cells. It's really true that if you get enough beauty sleep, your skin will look healthy and beautiful!

    How to Have Healthy Skin: Tip #2 - SUPPLEMENTS
    Let's face it (no pun intended!), few of us eat the best diet even when we aren't indulging during the holidays. But for your body to effectively repair your skin cells for that healthy youthful glow, your body needs access to plenty of building blocks: vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, amino acids ... the list goes on. Getting all of these building blocks from food can be a challenge, even for the most dedicated shopper of organic foods.

    An easier solution is to add wholefood supplements with a wide range of nutrients to your diet. Your body digests nutrients best when presented in wholefood form, which makes wholefood supplements the best bang for your buck. There is one other important supplement to add to your diet: probiotics. Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria that live in your gut and support your immune system. They also move a lot of toxins out of your body, which frees up your immune system to get to work on repairing your skin cells. Our favorite wholefood supplement combo comes in a convenient daily pack and covers all the nutritional bases with:
    How to Have Healthy Skin: Tip #3 - DRINK UP!
    We mean water, of course! During the holidays you probably had plenty to drink ... just not enough water. Pure spring or well water is one of the most important ingredients in a healthy skin diet. After all, skin cells contain mostly water. If your skin doesn't get enough water, dehydration will show up as flaky, dry, dull, wrinkly, and inelastic skin. That's not a pretty picture! Drinking plenty of water can help. If you have trouble downing that much water, consider either adding a bit of Celtic Sea Salt to your water or drinking warm water. Many people find these two modifications make the water more palatable.

    How to Have Healthy Skin: Tip #4 - WASH & MOISTURIZE DAILY
    During the holiday season you have probably had some late nights when running through your entire nightly beauty regimen just wasn't an option. Well, now that the holiday season is over, you may want to reconsider. However, your skincare regimen doesn't have to be complicated to be effective. You just need a gentle natural cleanser plus a natural nutrient-dense moisturizer. We love this combo:
    • witch hazel as a skin cleanser  
    • antioxidant lotion as a protective nutrient-dense moisturizer
    What's really neat about our favorite lotion  is that it not only supports healthy skin, but it also delivers antioxidants to the rest of your body through your skin. Is that a neat "two for one" trick or what?

    How to Have Healthy Skin: Tip #5 - STOP STRESSING ALREADY!
    The gifts have been bought, opened, and enjoyed. The shopping is over. The relatives have gone home. It's time to relax a little ... your skin cells will thank you! When you stress, your body releases the hormone cortisol--the hormone that used to tell us (when we were cave men and women) that we needed to fight or run. We no longer need to do that (except maybe from certain relatives), so try to relax. Cortisol actually does a lot of damage to the collagen and elastin in your skin cells. Collagen and elastin are key to keeping your skin firm, youthful, and glowing. Cortisol also interferes with your body's ability to repair skin cells. All in all, the more you can relax, the more chance your skin cells will have of recovering from any post-holiday hangover you may be experiencing!

    How to Have Healthy Skin: Pick a Tip, Any Tip!
    We've offered 5 different tips you can use for how to get healthy skin after the holidays. You may not have the time, money, or energy to implement all 5 of these tips into your life, but adding even a single tip (or maybe two) can make a big difference to your skin cells. And when you look in the mirror and see a happy, glowing, youthful face, aren't you just so much happier? And when you are happier, your body produces less cortisol, which in turn contributes to more healthy skin. It's a wonderful cycle of better leading to best! Here's to you and your skin ... and your ability to "face" life with a bright beautiful smiling face!

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    Photo Credit: http://pinterest.com/keriberry76/beauty/

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