Tuesday 12 February 2013

Do I Have the Flu or Do I Have a Cold?

Figuring out the difference between a cold and the flu can be difficult, but it IS important. While the common cold can make you feel uncomfortable for a few days, the flu is more likely to lead to additional health complications like pneumonia or even death. That is why you might want to figure out whether you have the flu or a cold at the first onset of symptoms.

Do You Have Cold Symptoms or Flu Like Symptoms?
Luckily there are some major differences between symptoms of the common cold and symptoms of the flu. While each person will be affected differently by both a cold or the flu, there are some "rules of thumb" that can help you sort out whether you have the flu or a cold. Here are some ways to tell the difference:

The flu comes on fast and furious, and most affected people report feeling like they have been hit hard by symptoms. By contrast, symptoms of the common cold come on more slowly. Flu like symptoms can be very intense, and usually last between two and five days. However, even when your major flu symptoms have gone away, you may continue to feel week and fatigued for one to three weeks. Cold symptoms usually last about a week, and then disappear without lingering side effects.

Shared Symptoms of Cold and Flu
The flu and a cold can share common symptoms. These can include headaches, coughs, earaches, sore throats, and congestion of the nose and chest. Most of the time, flu symptoms are much more intense and last for longer. Symptoms of the common cold are milder and tend to fade more quickly.

Differences in Symptoms Between the Cold and Flu
There are several major symptoms that indicate you probably have the flu. These include:
  • fever
  • muscles aches and soreness
  • rapid onset of symptoms
  • severe symptoms
  • overall fatigue that lasts for one to three weeks
Symptoms that are unique to colds include:
  • often starts with a sore throat
  • stuffy or runny nose without fever or fatigue
  • milder symptoms
  • slower onset of symptoms
  • few lingering side effects once major symptoms have resolved
Supporting Your Body with Natural Solutions
While most physicians do recommend that those in the at-risk population, including the elderly or those with suppressed immune systems, get a flu shot, many physicians also acknowledge that the best defense against colds and the flu is maintaining a strong immune system.

We are exposed to hundreds of potential triggers for colds or the flu on a regular basis, but we don't catch EVERY cold or flu that comes along. That's because our immune system, especially when it is healthy, constantly patrols our bodies and removes threats before we fall prey to colds or the flu. Many physicians suggest supporting your body's immune system by taking supplements designed to support your body's immune response. One of the supplements that we have found to be most effective in supporting the body's immune system is a specially-formulated immune product based on a substance called beta-glucan (most commonly found in brewer's yeast). This specially-processed form of beta-glucan provides enhanced support for the immune system, and specifically supports the production and activity of beneficial white blood cell (those cells that "clean up" harmful invaders in the body).

Another great way to support your immune system is to add probiotic supplements such as acidophilus and bifidus. Studies show that 70% of our body's immune response comes from having healthy beneficial bacteria--like acidophilus and bifidus--in the gut. These probiotics are part of the body's first line of defense and do so much to support our health.

Finally, you can protect yourself from suffering cold symptoms or flu like symptoms by washing your hands. Yes, we know, you have heard it a million times. But do you actually practice this in your daily life? To effectively wash your hands use soap and warm water, vigorously rubbing your hands together for a minimum of 20 seconds. Rinse well. Alcohol-based wipes, used sparingly, can also be effective. Another way to keep your hands clean is to avoid coughing or sneezing into them. If you must cough or sneeze and don't have access to a tissue, physicians recommend coughing or sneezing into your elbow. Not the coolest "look" in the world, but if it keeps you from infecting others, how bad can it be?

These simple natural solutions have been supporting the human body's immune system for hundreds of years. It's been working for so long, it's sure to give your immune system a boost too!

Need Supplement Advice?
Sometimes finding the right supplement to support your immune system can be confusing. If you would like a no-cost consult to help you create a customized supplement program for your lifestyle and the current state of your immune system, just fill out our simple online form. We'll get right back to you, and we will NEVER share your private information with anyone ... promise! Access the product consultation page here.

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Photo Credit: http://pinterest.com/ourfamilyworld/

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