Tuesday 15 November 2011

Awesome Answers for the Angry and Irritable

Have you noticed that people seem to be more angry and irritable than usual, whether in the supermarket or on the highway? Or do you maybe find yourself waking up on the wrong side of the bed more days than you used to?

If so, you are not alone. These days, with the economy and other life factors bouncing out of control, people can do little but react with anger and irritation. From a Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view, this means that the Liver is out of balance. Although we typically say that people "vent their spleens" in reality angry people have unbalanced livers.

The Liver: A Delicate Organ
To an acupuncturist, the liver is one of the most delicate and difficult-to-treat organs. It is both aggressive (hence being the source of anger) and quick to react with inflammation. At the same time, it does not easily accept support and healing energy. Give the Liver too much energy, and it rebels. Offering the wrong kind of energy produces the same results.

Luckily, one form of nutritional support that the Liver will easily accept is the nutrition of pure sprouted greens. In Chinese Medicine, the Liver's season is spring, when fresh green shoots and sprouts are just starting to grow. These sprouts gently cleanse and nourish the Liver back into balance.

Go Green to Rebalance the Liver
While it might be difficult to grow sprouts year round to support the Liver, you can conveniently support your liver with Go Green from Simplexity Health. Go Green is a rich source of organic sprouted greens that can rebalance the liver and help improve your cranky mood. Go Green ingredients include:

Basmati Rice Trin�, pea fiber, apple pectin, barley sprouts, flaxseed, green oat grass, Jerusalem artichoke, soy lecithin, organic oat sprouts, organic quinoa sprouts, organic soy sprouts, wheat grass, organic wheat sprouts, Super Blue Green� Algae (Aph. flos-aquae), organic sprouted millet, organic sprouted spelt, date fiber, barley grass, dulse, kelp, Siberian ginseng, lipase, stevia leaf, amylase, cellulase, protease.

You need just one to two teaspoons of Go Green daily, mixed with your favorite vegetable juice to keep your liver support, balanced and happy. When your liver is happy, so are you ... so Go Green!

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