Tuesday 8 November 2011

Natural Ways to Feel Calm

When you wake up in the morning, do you pause to enjoy that calm moment of peace between sleeping and waking? And wouldn't it been nice if you could experience that feeling of peace and calm during the day?

You can, naturally. While our techno-driven society tends to make us speak, think, walk, and even digest faster than is natural, you can take steps to slow your body and mind so that you return to a state of peace.

Natural Supplements to Restore Calm
There are several natural substances in the body that get "eaten up" when we are stressed. These substances contribute to our sense of calm, so when they become scarce, we find it difficult to feel calm. Examples include B-vitamins, magnesium, and certain micronutrients that feed the brain.

To keep yourself calm and peaceful daily, consider adding these supplements to your daily regimen, especially during times of stress:

- Probiotics: Acidophilus and bifidus as two of the probiotics (good bacteria) that live in our gut. Part of their job is to produce B-vitamins, which are essential to a feeling of calm. Stress, drinking chlorinated water, and taking antibiotics can all kill the probiotics natural to our gut. Taking acidophilus and bifidus restores the populations of these beneficial bacteria, and allows our bodies to produce calming B-vitamins.

- Magnesium: Magnesium is an essential ingredient for muscle relaxation and overall body calm. Many of us lack magnesium. If your muscles are sore and tense, and you find that you just can't relax, consider adding magnesium to your daily regimen. Just be sure to start slowly, since once your body has absorbed enough magnesium it will release the rest via your colon, usually in the form of diarrhea.

- Brain Food: Omega Sun blue-green algae from Simplexity Health contains rare micronutrients that can pass through the blood brain barrier and actually support the health of our brain cells. Most macro-nutrients cannot pass through this barrier, and hence tend to support overall body health while not helping our brains. To restore clarity of through and mental energy, add Omega Sun to your daily regimen.

A feeling of peace and calm throughout the day is not only possible, but easy to achieve with some simple natural supplementation. Enjoy!

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