Friday 9 December 2011

5 Ways to Drink Enough Water

"I know, I know! I should hydrate more!" This is what many people say when confronted by the fact that they would feel better and be healthier if they drank enough water on a daily basis. When you don't get enough water, your body can't detoxify, your mouth and mucous membranes can feel dry, and you can simply feel tired!

Your body is 60% water, so you need to keep it hydrated if you want it to perform well for you. According to the Mayo Clinic, women should drink about 9 cups of fluids per day while men should drink about 13 cups of fluids per day.

Notice that the Mayo Clinic specifies "fluids" rather than water. It is true that your body uses fluids from the food and drink that you intake daily, but be careful what counts toward your fluid intake. Coffee, for instance, is a fluid but it is also a diuretic, which means that it tends to flush fluids from your body. So drinking coffee might actually equal a negative fluid intake.

Water is Best
Pure well or spring water is best to drink if you can. If you can't stand the sensation of chugging 9 cups of water, here are some ideas that might help:

1. Warm the water slightly
2. Add a fresh slice of lemon or lime to enliven the flavor
3. Add a pinch of Celtic sea salt, for taste and for health
4. Add an herbal non-caffeinated teabag for taste
5. Keep the water in sight at all times and take a few sips every time you look at the bottle.

Finally, to keep you on track, consider downloading one of the many free apps for mobile devices that remind you to drink water!

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