Wednesday 21 December 2011

Holiday Feasting? Go For It!

If you just can't say "No" to all the holiday feasting that's
going on this season, don't bother. Just go for it. Eat, drink,
and be merry ... just be sure to pack some extra probiotics and
enzymes in your pocket. Having some extra acidophilus, bifidus,
and spectrabiotic (these are all probiotics) and enzymes on board
will ensure that you don't suffer too many "Pepto Bismol" moments
during the next few weeks.

Probiotics (this literally means "for life") are the good
bacteria that live in your gut. These "good bugs" do a lot for
you, including:

1. keeping your digestion going
2. producing B-12 vitamins to keep you calm and happy during the
3. acting as a first line of defense against illness

Whenever you stress your body (like overeating at the buffet) or
drink too much coffee or chlorinated water, you kill off the
probiotics in your gut. Lack of probiotics means that your body
won't get the benefit of all those actions listed above. You'll
have indigestion, you won't feel calm and collected, and you're
more likely to get sick. So yes, you definitely need to keep
those probiotics healthy and lively in your gut. Taking extra
probiotics during the holidays will keep the population of
beneficial bacteria in your gut at healthy levels. You will feel
healthier and more vibrant!

Enzymes are also key in keeping you healthy and happy during the
holidays. Before you dive headlong into that holiday buffet, take
the time to swallow 2 to 4 enzymes ... then eat. The enzymes will
ensure that all the extra food and rich desserts you eat will be
properly digested, preventing digestive side effects like
bloating, gas, diarrhea, or constipation.

One simple regimen to follow during the holidays is as follows:

<> 2 to 4 acidophilus in the morning before breakfast
<> 2 to 4 bifidus in the evening before bed
<> 2 to 4 enzymes before each meal
<> 2 to 4 spectrabiotic (the FULL SPECTRUM probiotic) in the
evening when all else fails!

Most of all, enjoy the holidays ... eat, drink, and be merry, and
rest assured that the probiotics and enzymes will keep you merry
and well!

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