Wednesday 4 January 2012

Stress Relief � Natural Solutions

Did you know that more than 20 millions Americans suffer from health problems related to chronic stress?

Or that 95% of visits people make to healthcare professionals are for stress-related issues?*

Are we a stressed-out nation or what? Luckily we are also a nation that has easy access to bunches of natural solutions that can relieve stress.

Natural Solutions for Stress Relief
There's something on the natural solutions menu for everyone. Consider these solutions:

++ B Vitamins from Probiotics: These are the vitamins, especially B-12, that help us relax and soothes our nerves. Unfortunately, when we are stressed we burn through our body's supply of B vitamins. You can replenish your body's B vitamins naturally by replacing the beneficial bacteria in your gut. These beneficial bacteria, called probiotics, produce the B vitamins in our bodies. When you take probiotics like acidophilus, bifidus, or full-spectrum mixes you basically give your body the ability to KEEP producing B vitamins, especially when you are stressed.

++ Healthy Protein: Stress also increases our body's need for protein, so you need to increase your protein intake when stressed. To avoid all the side effects associated with various protein sources, feed your body only "good proteins." These include whole grains, soy foods, sprouts, and blue-green algae. These good proteins support your body's ability to handle stress, both physically and mentally.

++ Antioxidants: Nothing makes you feel stress more than various aches, pains, and chronic health conditions. To avoid aggravating these conditions, take antioxidants. These "scavengers" literally go around your body cleaning up the toxins and substances that make your aches and pains worse during stress. Antioxidant-rich supplements include sprouts, coenzyme Q10, and vitamin C. In addition, many people find that avoiding wheat helps decrease general aches and pains.

++ Lifestyle Fixes: In addition to paying attention to nutrition and supplements, you can also decrease the effects of stress by getting plenty of sleep, drinking plenty of well or spring water, exercising regularly, avoiding caffeine, and calming yourself with a daily spiritual practice like meditation.

All of these natural solutions are simple to add to your daily regimen. Adding just one of these solutions to your life will improve your body's reaction to stress in ways that will amaze you!

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